How do we work?

EVG Creative process

With several years of experience, we are able to support a project at every stage of its implementation. However, what we like most is to start from the beginning, i.e. from the strategy - we believe that only strategically thought-out communication effectively works to achieve business goals.

Have us create a brand for you.

EVG Creative process - 1 - Analysis

01. Analysis

We ask, we listen, we look, we analyze

EVG Creative process - 6 - Strategy planing
EVG Creative process - 6 - Strategy planing

02. Strategy

We define where the brand is, where it should be and how it should be there

03. Communication architecture

We create and shape consumer touch points with the brand.

04. Kreacja

We give form to ideas.

05. Production

We combine all the previous stages into one coherent whole.

06. Communication

Building brand awareness has begun. Now is the time to strengthen ties with consumers.

Nie bylibyśmy sobą, gdybyśmy nie umieścili tu żadnego CTA

Zadzwoń, napisz,

wpadnij na kawę.

Zróbmy razem coś fajnego!